An Inspirational Story To Empower, educate and create more awareness of Dyslexia and Dyspraxia

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About Keisha's Book

Introducing "Empowering Dyslexics," a powerful book written by Keisha, a Jamaican immigrant who arrived in the UK at the tender age of 14. In this book, Keisha shares her empowering lived experiences of growing up with undiagnosed Dyslexia and Dyspraxia whilst facing several intersectional challenges that included culture, race, and the UK education system.

Keisha's story is a powerful reminder of the struggles faced by individuals with learning differences, particularly those from marginalized communities. She recounts the bullying she faced in school for being different, which affected her self-esteem and confidence growing up. However, through her resilience and determination, Keisha was able to overcome these challenges and pursue her dreams and goals.

In "Empowering Dyslexics" Keisha provides an intimate and honest account of her journey, highlighting the importance of understanding and supporting individuals with learning differences. Her story is not only inspiring but also informative, as she highlights the often overlooked challenges that individuals with learning differences face in their lives and the need for better understanding, more awareness and acceptance in society.


Whether you are someone who has faced similar challenges or someone who wants to understand the experiences of others, "Empowering Dyslexics" is a must-read. Keisha's book is a powerful testament of her resilience and determination. She is truly on a mission to help others and create more awareness locally and globally.

Get your copy today and join Keisha on her journey of empowerment and inspiration!

A Word From The Author

Dear Reader's

I am thrilled to share my memoir, "Empowering Dyslexic" with you. Writing this book was not only a cathartic experience for me, but I also hope it will inspire and empower others who may be going through similar challenges.

Growing up with undiagnosed dyslexia and dyspraxia was not easy, particularly in a new country with a different culture and education system. However, through my struggles, I learned the power of resilience and determination. I hope my story will help others understand and support individuals with learning differences, creating a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

Thank you for joining me on this journey of breaking barriers and overcoming obstacles.



Empowering Dyslexics - Blessed and Gifted

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Story Of Keisha

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